Sunday, January 18, 2009

Piano duet recital recorded at Marietta College on April 12th, 1977

Since the advent of Facebook, I've been connecting with a lot of old college friends and several of them have asked if I had any recordings of music recitals from our more idealistic days in southeast Ohio. Well, I was able to find one of my favorite performances, Billy the Kid composed by Aaron Copland. Originally written as a ballet, the premiere was given in Chicago on October 16th, 1938 using this two piano version of the score.

Now this performance was recorded quite some time ago (April 1977), but I think it is one of my most memorable ever. My duet partner's name was Steve Cooper. I can tell you that we practiced most of the semester and had never played it from start to finish until the night of the final performance. Enjoy, and please no comments from the peanut gallery.

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